Tough subject

Forgiveness is a tough subject partly because of what I believe the mistaken belief that forgiveness means letting an abuser back into your life.  My point of view is that forgiveness is all about me but does not mean reconciliation with my abusers.  Reconciliation starts with forgiveness but requires change on the part of the…


Such an awesome word.  Sounds something odd and weird.  In a sense, it is.  It is our brains ability to change.  Scientist are learning that PTSD and CPTSD are forms of brain injuries.  Some people feel doomed by this diagnosis.  I felt relieved to have a name for my pain.  It was no longer a…

Epiphany about Resentment

Resentment is an emotion that puzzled me.  Was it a hiding emotion that hid other emotions?  It was linked to bitterness but some how different?  I felt it, but wasn’t sure how to heal it when I didn’t know the source or whence it came.  Like many epiphanies that I have, it came while I…