Meme Buster

Awareness is rising that suicide is 100% preventable but how we go about doing that is not 100% successful. The meme brought up in this article says, “Suicide doesn’t stop the pain; it passes it on to somebody else.”  Read the article for their perspective I’m going to share what I think about this phrase.…

Prevention when there is no cure

There is no cure for suicide – Prevention is the key. Remember that I share information but if you are in crisis please, call the help line.  You know your situation best.  Make the call and start down the rode to healing. Someone special to me loss a friend to suicide.  She shared this link…

Your Life Matters

I’ve joined a PTSD Facebook page.  This was one of the ideas to help remind yourself for self-protection.  Ashley kindly gave me permission to share. Thank you Ashley I put on some dollar store temporary tattoos to help keep me safe tonight. I’ve had the worst weekend due to the holiday and have an extensive…

Suicide warning signs

This is from Facebook.  The article addresses the problems from a military view point.   The information applies to others as well.  If you are on Facebook liking their page helps spread helpful information on living with PTSD. PTSD Break The Silence SUICIDE PREVENTION TRAINING Most suicides and suicide attempts are reactions to intense feelings of:…

Suicide Prevention Day

To me, everyday is suicide prevention day.  Sadly, everyday there are more people taking their own lives.  Their internal enemies win.  Destroying from within is the most difficult thing to protect.  In a car or a plane you can put your seat belt on.  Walking you stay on the sidewalk.  Everyday people do a thousand…

Recognizing Hope

Suicide is rising as feelings of hope are diminishing.  I work at a school and see how often teachers and administrators focus on what is wrong, how kids are failing, and how to test to find more things wrong.  Hyper-focusing on all the negative we reach a point of only seeing the negative.  Our school…

Suicide Rising

This isn’t the only article about the number of suicides that are happening.  Teenagers, children, soldiers, elderly almost every walk of life are experiencing epidemic increases  in suicides.  Blaming internet, government, and other entities misses the point.   My personal study on the subject is the rising wave of hopelessness, feeling they are a…

kobayashi maru

I had to look it up because I did not remember the reference to the Star Trek movies.  This is a no win test faced by all Cadets in the Starfleet Academy.  (Yes, I watched the original Star Trek before it was a rerun.)  The meme on Facebook showed a bumper sticker, “My ship just…

22 and 46

Trigger warning for those that are distressed by discussion of suicide.  If you are feeling suicidal call the help line Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255     September 5 to 11 is suicide prevention week.  My opinion is every day is suicide prevent day.  For some of us, it is a daily struggle. …