Mile in my shoes

Before judging me and my choices, walk a mile in my shoes…..then you are a mile away and I can’t hear you.   Too often it is comments and words and ‘well meaning’ advice that can really hurt.  Instead of expecting other people to watch what they say, I am working on a list of…

Taking back Joy

Not sure how to start this post.  I looked up my original wording and the connotation is totally different from what I meant.  I’ll try starting at the beginning. Caution – deep difficult subject. My mother raised me in a fear based living system.  Everything I did was geared to avoid being hit or berated. …

Gratitude is…

An integral part of healing.  Gratitude helps me see the good things in a day.  Gratitude helps me see the good in me.  I started counting blessings.  Lots of them.  I did the blessing a day for a month and barely scratched the surface.  Then someone pointed out that counting blessings was putting a limit…

not enough

I am continuing on the list of things that are recommended for therapist to do.  I believe these are important to recognize for the client because as a person seeing a therapist I can make the work harder or easier.  If I understand what my own options are I can work towards my strengths.  Sadly,…

Met the enemy

And they is us….. Old quote hung around for years and years because it still applies.  My sister reposted a meme that spells out one of my greatest challenges. I learned so much in counseling, yet I catch myself on the same self destructive paths, repeat ad nauseum. Heavy sigh.  Sick for a three day…

Time flies

I’m try to get my feet under me.  I heard time flies when you are having fun.  It does wait around when things are frumpy either.  Last weekend was awesome.  I spent 24 hours listening to people sharing their survival stories and focusing their healing in Christ.  I realized that I drifted a bit and…