Looking back to move forward

Emerging from Broken is one of the blogs that is another survivor learning to live.  Learning that their past needs to be acknowledged and accepted before going forward in the healing process. Emerging From Broken “I had been defined by the ways that others treated me. I believed that I didn’t deserve more then what…

Going blank

I chatted with my sister this morning and something she said triggered this great idea for a post.  Now, I’m completely blank.  I may or may not remember it later.  My sister may comment and remind me or it really wasn’t all that brilliant idea and best left unposted.  I worked many years in counseling…

Tears of loss

I started counseling over 15 years ago.  At the time, I told my counselor I could count on one hand how many times I had cried, then I named them.  He taught me that crying was an expression of deep emotion and was good for releasing pent up feelings.  I was ridiculed as a child…

Quotes to confuse

I like reading inspirational quotes….if you pick the right quotes….life gets confusing. http://www.curejoy.com/content/11-inspiring-quotes-will-give-needed-push-life/ If you don’t like how things are, change it! You’re not a tree. Jim Rohn Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/j/jimrohn147488.html Bloom Where you are Planted…   Look twice before you leap. Charlotte Bronte Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/c/charlotteb131925.html You can’t get anywhere in life…

Normal….hard to believe

Medical tests came back….I’m on the low end of normal for thyroid, my blood pressure is on the high end of normal, and I am really allergic to something not yet identified.  Problems come in 3s, 4s, 5s or any other number they want to.  But the doctor said that all my medical tests came…

Happiness is a choice Sort of

I’ve heard it all my life that happiness is a choice, sort of.  What I couldn’t keep up was the demand that I be happy constantly and any time I was less than happy I was flawed, needed fixing, or needed to snap out of it.  I am happy, sad, funny, weird, crying, excited, and…

Muddled Mess

I believe one of the difficult things about PTSD is it gets muddled and mashed up into a terrible mess.  I lived with PTSD over 40 years not knowing I had it.  It was disguised as over active imagination, aka nightmares, depression, hormones,  being a girl, moody, and a host of other things.  Psychcentral shared…

Raising Awareness

One of the basic tenants of counseling is raising awareness of what abuse is.  Most people will shake their heads and claim….I do know what it is.  I can’t tell you the shock I felt when emotional abuse was first outlined for me.  This is a link that shares questions to consider if I the…

One Done One to go

These last 6 weeks have this constant energy drain of unknowns with my body.  I had emergency surgery with biopsies the first part of December.  I had to wait until today to hear the results.  This morning I accepted in my mind the possibility I have cancer, again.  I felt atremendous relief when the biopsies…

No coherent thoughts

I am nearing the end of 6 weeks without my thyroid medication.  I am barely functioning.  I just want this over with.  5 days and counting until this is done.  Dear Doctors, walk a day in my shoes before ordering a test that requires me to go without my medication.  Feeling lousy and knowing why.