
I was asked to share my list of supplements…..before I do, please, do your homework?  Supplements are added to a diet to aid in gaining optimal health.  People complain that there are so many contradictions, that’s easy, people are so different from each other.  What helps one person is useless for someone else.  I can…

Run, Run

Run, run as fast as you can, You can’t catch me I’m the gingerbread man. I sometimes feel that I am racing from one activity after another with barely a breath in between.  This week my body shut down on Thursday…I felt deep gratitude that I made it all the way home before my body…


I try to share how to better manage living with PTSD.  Lately, I listened to someone talk about not depression but feeling empty.  She expressed frustration when others tried to call that feeling depression, she was right that empty feeling makes depression almost reasonable.  I suffered severe depression.  I lived through cancer.   The emptiness is…

Brownies and Crocheting

What do brownies and crocheting have to do with each other?   Cooking and crocheting were both interest I had before PTSD took over my life. (PTSD was part of my life for years but didn’t gain domination until in my 30’s) I kept it at bay for a long time being focused on other stuff…

A Parent’s Most Beautiful Wish

I past some of my PTSD symptoms to my children. They are adults now and I pray they will see my dysfunction and learn from it instead of repeating it. My Positive Outlooks I don’t want my children to follow in my footsteps. I want them to take the path next to me and go…

Tears or lack of

I didn’t believe I had baby blues.  I never cry.  I found a book on depression.  I read the chapter on ‘baby blues,’ I had every symptom except crying.  When I talked to my first counselor, I told him I could count on one hand how many times I had cried in many years.  (I…

Prevention makes a difference

Information is available if you know where to look on the signs and symptoms of child abuse. One of the more disturbing statistics is the one that I saw that stated over 50% of people with PTSD are child abuse survivors.  Even more disturbing is how high a percentage of children they suspect suffer from…

Visual description

I am always trying to look for ways to make concrete examples of abstract concepts.  I heard numerous times how I need to get back to what I was before trauma….problem…my trauma began when I was 5 years old.  I don’t think going back is a viable option for me.  I have a series of…