Same storm different boats

I saw this on the internet and felt compelled to share it here.  This is not written by me, it is signed anonymous.  Your experiences are yours, don’t let someone else tell you what you should feel.   WE ARE NOT IN THE SAME BOAT … I heard that we are all in the same…

A day of Rest

Yes, I know the whole world feels like it has rested for more than 2 weeks.  This is about taking a day of rest to be.  Seriously.  My counselor observed how hard I worked everyday to get better.  Progress was happening but the price to my present day living was taking a toll.  He recommended…

Mental wellness tips

I am always on the look out for healthy Mental wellness tips.  My sister found this in a group and I felt it appropriate to share here because the author encouraged sharing.  This is one of the helpers that Mr. Roger’s mother talks about.  Taking the time to write out a list of tips and…

Stress, What stress?

Today on one of the Facebook pages a person on the CPTSD page wondered why she was feeling so stressed when she liked to stay home.  I pointed out to her that there is a big difference between choosing to stay home and being trapped at home.  Death threats if you don’t comply.  Accusations of…