Little changes

One of the homework assignments I was given early in my counseling required me to follow the 5-50 rule.  Do something for someone else that takes less than 5 minutes and cost less than 50 cents. (A candy bar usually costs more than 50 cents unless you can find them on sale.) Doesn’t sound like…

Butterfly Effect

Hard work sometimes feels like spinning your wheels in mud.  Lots of energy but nothing changes.  So when small changes are suggested, most people ignore the suggestion.  How can one small change make a difference when a whole bunch of work produces so little? I am a math geek.  I love equations and how things…

Scott Williams

My sister brought my attention to Scott Williams.  We’ve discussed his posts on more than one occasion.  The particular post that caught my attention is on Resilience. Several things that I noted.  First, he gives a clear definition of what he means.  I was curious because one of the things my counselor said to…

Quest for Change

I talk often about accepting PTSD.  Then I talk about changing how I function.  I learned from experience that I have to accept where I am before I can move on to something different.  I was moving to a new city and wanted to show my parents where I lived.  The third time I got…


I saw this meme on facebook sent me searching for where the quote came from originally, at least according to Mr. Google.  I saw it posted from Ferrignot FIT. Here is what I found: “- If you fail, never give up because F.A.I.L. means “first Attempt In Learning” – End is not the end, if…


There are advantages to hyper-vigilance. Often in the list of negative symptoms for PTSD and other trauma survivor responses is hyper-vigilance or sometimes called hyper-awareness.  You walk into a room and know where all the doors for escape are located.  You count the number of people in the room.  You assess the tension level in…

Over spill

I have a lot of respect for the military.  I appreciate what I’ve read written for them.  It gave me a starting point and a feeling of support.  I also used several ideas from the articles I read.  PTSD Break the Silence is one of the Facebook pages I follow.  Their perspective is from the…