
I am responsible for protecting myself.  Too long I waited for my mother, my father, my husband, someone to protect me…..I waited……..and waited.  Then I started counseling.  Maybe the counselor would protect me?  Nope.  He informed me that he would teach me how to protect myself. NO That’s it.  One word, no explanation needed.  I…

Laughter connection

I struggled with understanding that I was depressed.  I love to laugh.  I see the absurdity of the World and myself and laugh often.  My medical doctor said I was depressed and didn’t know it.  His opinion baffled me.  During counseling that little mystery was cleared up.  My therapist asked me if I ever felt…


Learning Self-compassion is a long term goal. I can actually say I made improvements.  I am grieving a huge loss, instead of beating myself up for not moving mountains and working as if nothing happened, I am giving myself time each day to feel sad.  I cry when I need to.  I am not expecting…

In Search of Happiness

One definition of thriving is feeling Happy.  Living through deep depression, PTSD or some people call it CPTSD, cancer, and suicidal ideology, happiness seemed elusive or fleeting.  Years ago a lady I knew wrote a song about Happiness is Like a butterfly….When pursued is frightened and shied.  I lived hearing things like when you get…

Practice What I Preach

For weeks, I’ve written about the importance of self-care.  Now it is time for me to practice what I preach.  Deep sadness came to our family when our little granddaughter lived less than an hour.  We knew ahead of time.  I tried to prepare.  I underestimated the impact of one tiny little girl.  We said…

Different definition

I don’t consider this a self care for me.  I like planning things.  I like spacing out my errands so they don’t get all jammed on the same day.  I am happy to be alive and doing so many different things. However, I do give myself permission to have a no peopling day. 25.…

Not Selfish

Self-care is not selfish.  Hard to believe this or implement it if as a child you are told that getting enough to eat is being selfish.  I was told I had to go hungry so my brother could have seconds.  Sad thing, food would spoil in the refrigerator because it wasn’t eaten fast enough.  As…

Permission to feel

Interesting how Lilly needs to write again about feeling all feelings including peaceful ones.  For me I needed permission to feel angry, sad, and all the ‘negative’ emotions.  Without the ‘negative’ emotions, I did not recognize feeling peace when it did come.  It got smothered along with all the other emotions.  My first counselor recognized…

Financial Responsibility

  21. Being financially responsible for myself so I don’t have to still be dependent on abusers and then hating myself for it. Judy writes: Couple of years ago my World crash when I realized I do not have the physical stamina to hold down a full time high responsibility job.  I can…