Posters to share

I am very careful with copyright laws.  So unless I have permission from the artist I don’t post someone else picture.  I try to quote and site words I share.  If I make a mistake I will gladly make corrections.  However, sometimes I come across some great posters that I wish I made.  Next best…

Long lasting effects

I read an article a while back that said in effect that what happens in our early childhood has no affect on later life.  Really….I learned to walk and talk quite young and I am still walking and talking.  Saying that early life experiences is neglecting oceans of facts studies and life experience that shows…

Second-hand opinion

Growing up a child does not get to choose what is taught.  A child can be taught black is white and hate is right and cruelty is funny.  Yes, I experienced some of these.  So when a child hits teen years usually enough other people are in their life for them to doubt, question or…

Signs of Emotional Abuse

This one is tricky.  Hard to pin down since emotions are so volatile and changing with a thought.  How secure you are within yourself makes it harder for someone to abuse you emotionally.  This link is one of those annoying ones that you have to click after every paragraph but the signs are important to…


The truth will make you free but first it will make you really miserable.  ~ Barry Stevens, born Mildred Fox, used by James A. Garfield and others Judy (my sister) and I often discuss the importance of truth.  Our perspective changed abruptly when we understood our childhood was littered with lies.  Lies upon lies or…

Trigger or Discernment?

I read several PTSD blogs to keep up on what other people are discovering and trying with PTSD.  I appreciated the post over at Healing from Complex PTSD discussing the difference between a trigger and discerning current bad behavior. My thoughts on the issue is that it isn’t a trigger if the bad behavior…

On Rough days

One of the frustrations of PTSD is after a wonderful experience, a crash often follows close on or a trigger seems 10 times more annoying when you felt on top of the world to slam down again.  On these rough days I like to remember the quote I saw from several sources.  (Not sure who…

Celebrate success

This week I was at an indoor park watching my grandchildren play while their Moms had a few minutes of Mom time.  I was doing exactly what I always dreamed to be doing.  My hyper-vigilance was a plus because I kept track of all of them in a sea of wiggling happy excitement of children’s…