
Markers indicating progress.  In years gone by and along the freeways today, markers in one form or another are placed along the roadways to indicate how far you have come.  In the Early Childhood Education class we discuss childhood milestones that people watch for as the child grows.  If a baby walks by the time…

Trauma inspired art

I started working at a university art department before I had cancer.  I took a drawing class that semester.  I was given special permission to miss more than 3 days of class.  Thankfully a fellow student was willing to come to my house and tell me what was happening in class.  However, I didn’t take…

Give yourself recovery time

If you ran a marathon, you would rest after a big race.  Thanksgiving and other holidays are emotional equivalents of marathons.  Plan down time.  Evaluate the positive as well as any negative.  Gratitude for what is makes all the difference. Blessings more numerous than butterflies.

Happy Holidays Be prepared

I hope everyone is having a Happy Thanksgiving both here in the United States and any where else that celebrates a day of gratitude.  The celebration started with the Pilgrims and the Indians helping each other through a tough growing season and working together.  Sadly the relationship between immigrants and natives went down hill after…

Embrace my fear

I was told regularly that my fears were ridiculous, unwarranted, and unreasonable.  Then I went into counseling and remembered why I had my fears, they were a reasonable reaction to horrifying events.  I watched over the years a tendency to demonize certain emotions….Fear is at the top of the naughty list.  I read the book…

Need to know

Ever heard the phase, “Need to know” as a basis if you need to hear information?  I like watching detective and cop shows and sometimes hear this phrase.  The phrase usually means that information is being kept from someone else for confidentiality reasons.  However, if you have PTSD you need to know about PTSD.  It…

Sharing my thoughts

I share my experience with PTSD with dissociation at a severe level because I want to let others know they are not alone.  I have no military experience.  My combat zone was called home and neighborhood.  The area I lived was considered a “good” neighborhood with plenty of doctors, lawyers and teachers. The worse abuser…


Depression is one of the symptoms of PTSD.  I realized after several years of counseling I use depression to put a damper on the anger generated by the hurt, fear and frustration I experience every night in my nightmares.  If I am depressed and tired enough, I won’t have nightmares.  A break of sorts.  I…

Building a team

Holidays are a time when many people have triggers.  Emotions run high so does anxiety and tempers.  Preventive maintenance makes a difference.  Put your boundaries in place.  Tell trusted people what you need to do better during the holidays.  Building your team when you are under less stress so that they are there for you…


The holiday season is arriving sadly in some families due to stresses and triggers tempers seem to flare too.  I clipped this from a Facebook page. I think I need to put this one on my brain to remember where ever I go. I found the link to the author’s page, please visit, great ideas…