Hermits and trust

I threatened my counselor that I would become a hermit.  It was easier in my mind than dealing with all the scary people around me all the time.  Wanting to be a hermit was tied to my not trusting people.  What to do? What to do? 6. “I’m basically a hermit. My home is my…

Always messing up

I feel like these two go hand-in-hand.  Rarely do you see one without the other.  Abusers do their fair share of convincing their victims all bad things are the victims fault.  A steady diet of blame the victim eventually the victim believes they are the ones that are the problem.   4. “I always feel…


I started in high school.  I was tired of name calling, stupid, ding-a-ling, lights are on but nobody is home.  I wanted to ‘prove’ I was smart.  I studied like crazy and got straight A’s.  I was thrilled and so excited…the name calling persisted.  I maintained a 3.79 grad point average without weighted grades.  I…


I did it for years.  I negated every and any compliment I received.  If someone said I did something well, I pointed out what I messed up.  Every compliment was turned aside or ignored.  I wouldn’t….couldn’t see myself as a good person, so compliments must be a lie.  Turned my world upside down and inside…

Your Life Matters

I’ve joined a PTSD Facebook page.  This was one of the ideas to help remind yourself for self-protection.  Ashley kindly gave me permission to share. Thank you Ashley I put on some dollar store temporary tattoos to help keep me safe tonight. I’ve had the worst weekend due to the holiday and have an extensive…

Making Changes

One of the main points of this blog is to share activities, changes, and thinking that have helped me cope with PTSD better after counseling than before.  The huge division for me was BC before counseling and AC after counseling.  There is a reason for this.  Before counseling I didn’t know what was wrong with…

Debunking PTSD myths

I took a PTSD quiz and missed one of the questions.  Really, I live it every day.  Then I realized that the question I missed is a common myth about children living in abuse.  The question asked how students do in school.  I answered get top grades.  Nope the correct answer was get into trouble…