My survival tool

My counselor helped me to understand that PTSD was my survival tool for extreme situations.  The issue that arose was using extreme measures for every day living.  He pointed out that wearing full body armor in war times is reasonable.  However, when the bombing stops carrying around all that armor wore me down and tired…

Go back to what works

I am rebuilding my health after a rough beginning to 2017.  A fast trip to Kentucky followed by horrible allergies, finished off with a car wreck that was not my fault but left me with spectacular bruising and a sore neck.  The bruising is fading but still tender to the touch.  Sneezing is painful.  I…

Power of Nudge

Radical changes fail about 99% of the time for me.  My counselor taught me the power of nudge.  If you watch motivational speeches you may listen to the difference between good and great is one degree.  The difference between hot water and boiling water is one degree.  Look through several of the videos and recognized…

Unproductive Blues

In today’s fast paced World, people treat you like a criminal if you have an unproductive day.  Epitaphs such as lazy, slug, bum, and other cruel name calling come your way.  Here’s the deal, I would love to be productive but my get up and go, got up and went without me.  I remember as…

Couch potato to Marathon

Anyone would agree that going from couch potato to marathon runner in a week would be ridiculous.  Yet, I tend to do this to myself emotionally.  I can barely get out the door on a good day then I expect myself to attend a large party or a highly stressful event without feeling wiped out. …