Resetting boundaries

Quarantine was a natural boundary.  No one comes in and no one goes out.  Boring but predictable.  Things are opening up some places but with a new restriction or boundary.  You have to wear a mask.  NOT going well with that one.  Someone chided me that it is just a piece of fabric.  Yes, a…

Boundaries again

Reviewing my possible posts idea I came across yet another one talking about boundaries.  The reason I keep coming back to boundaries  is that many survivors with PTSD/CPTSD or just really odd coping skills show a definite lack of boundaries.  I struggled with the concept.  Listening to others talk about having boundaries and feeling so…

Hyper-vigilance is rewarded

Every time I get on the freeway my enhanced hyper-vigilance is rewarded.  I am super aware of cars changing lanes, speed demons racing up from behind and near misses that keeps my hyper-vigilance on alert.  It is exhausting being super aware all the time of every person around.  I didn’t know it was unusual.  I…

Consider boundaries

I dropped into holiday survival mode and stopped my course of study with Blueknot….several of the areas cover details of how long and how much therapy is needed for CPTSD/PTSD.  Mine was 10 years and 3 counselors.  I am still a work in progress.  I’m fortunate that my first counselor focused on teaching me the…

It’s her fault

All over people are celebrating the blessings of mothers and motherhood.  Sadly, it is not a day of celebration for many.  Heart break when you can’t have children.  Heart break when a baby doesn’t live.  Heart break of a still born child or miscarriage.  Heart break of losing a mother to drugs, alcohol or death. …

No is….

A complete sentence.  My counselor worked with me over and over and over and over, no, I didn’t get it until he had me practice repeatedly.  I kept giving huge humongous explanations as to why I was saying no….or more likely I didn’t say no, I attempted the impossible and failed, a lot. Which brings…

4 perspectives

Every so often when I am planning a post, more perspectives come to my attention.  I am continuing addressing the different ways that are obvious and not so obvious self-care issues from CPTSD/PTSD.  This is the link to the original article: Today’s discussion is from #6 To stop always saying “sorry” (for nothing) and…

Self-care vs Selfish

***********Trigger warning*************  written specifically for those with a strong Christian background.   I was taught methodically and purposefully to neglect myself, to serve others, and self-care was being selfish.  Lies upon lies.  Martyrs come in all shapes and sizes.  Putting a cause, others, and anything else before yourself is foolish at best and down right…