What works for you?

Others on Facebook are posting that they are feeling trapped with this “Stay at home” to avoid getting sick.  I posted about changing wording.  I call this time to regenerate and try to learn Spanish during my work hours.  Tomorrow I find out if they have something else for me to do.  My less supportive…

Product vs Process Art

Art is a magical thing.  Museums are filled with art.  Viewing master pieces most people say, “I can’t do art.” I was told in 7th grade that I couldn’t do art and not bother taking any more classes.  I listened to that teacher and I believed because what I did never looked like the teacher’s…

Back to blogging

I hadn’t planned on an extended break.  I could handle this and everything else.  I was sooooo wrong.  I spent the last 3 months swallowed up by costumes for this show. This is our cast.  Each one played two and sometimes 3 parts.  Thankful for those that helped but blown away that I was in…

Breathe deep the Gathering gloom

Moody Blues Lyrics “Late Lament” Breathe deep the gathering gloom, Watch lights fade from every room. Bedsitter people look back and lament, Another day’s useless energy spent. Impassioned lovers wrestle as one, Lonely man cries for love and has none. New mother picks up and suckles her son, Senior citizens wish they were young. Cold…

Don’t let nobody wrinkle your Smooth

Inspiration can come from many sources.  “Don’t let nobody wrinkle your smooth” is wisdom from the Stickman in this video.  By example he demonstrates how art blesses lives of those creating it. https://inspirationbygod.net/3843/the-wisdom-of-king-solomon-and-the-stick-man/ Recently I am facing challenges that are results from someone else facing their challenge.  I was getting really upset last night by…

To the Pain

A challenge in “Princess Bride” rather than a fight to the death it would be a fight to the pain.  The description stayed vivid in my mind.  The implication is death is preferred to pain and pain must be avoided at all cost.  Through my life experience I learned that isn’t always true.  When I…


I have the attention span of a gnat when it comes to meditation.  The moment I sit down to meditate or pray I can see the checkered flag waving, the start of the racing thoughts flooding my mind.  Meditation fail.  I am working on an Art therapy online class.  My teacher posted a blog post…

Calming yourself (part 5)

A post on Facebook led to a link to an article with 49 phrases to use to calm an anxious child.  I am going to explain how these can be used to calm an anxious adult, especially yourself:  (My inner child needed lots of calming, especially when I was in counseling and remembering my past.) …


Sometimes I write a blog post that belongs on both blogs….today is one of those days. One of the challenges that I have is believing I deserve joy, happiness and fun.  I separate them because each one has its own nuance and source.  I was introduced to this concept when I read Life’s Uncertain, Eat…

Posters to share

I am very careful with copyright laws.  So unless I have permission from the artist I don’t post someone else picture.  I try to quote and site words I share.  If I make a mistake I will gladly make corrections.  However, sometimes I come across some great posters that I wish I made.  Next best…