Hazards of Hyper-Focus

Are you one of those people that can focus so completely that the whole house could burn down while reading a book?  Or focused on the task at hand someone speaks to you and you jump out of your skin?  Or how about working so focused that the janitor locking up wonders why you are…

first mess up

of the season.  With PTSD one of the things I am guaranteed is I mess up.  The higher the stress the more spectacular the screw ups.  I could beat myself up but what good would it do.  Today I went into full retreat at work.  A substitute teacher was talking about highly controversial subjects and…

Let go

I made plans.  They got changed but I am struggling with letting go of the original plan.  Last night in karate we were practicing actual physical contact with the idea of not hurting the other person but showing the move correctly.  One of the other people did something I didn’t expect.  I stood there frozen…

Tired and out of sorts

I felt whiny and complaining today because I feel lousy.  I am trying to remind myself that my body hates, I mean hates to travel.  I always have a back lash.  I am still able to work every day, I just buckle when I get home.  I have a ton of stuff to do but…

Me Too!

Me too is a social campaign to raise awareness of sexual assault, intimidation and pain.  Sadly, I saw one person post it is for WOMEN only….The person felt less because a man claimed the ME Too.  Men are sexually assaulted.  Of all the voices, they are silenced most.  Now, they are being told they cannot…

Healing is a Choice

I am writing several posts about acceptance…accepting myself, my diagnosis, my challenges.  Along the way I noticed in my reading about acceptance that some people interpret acceptance as staying the way they are.  I don’t believe this.  I accept where I am but that doesn’t mean I plan to stay that way.  I believe strongly…

Accepting my body

I grew up kind of on the small size but I weighed as much as my older brother.  Instead of looking into why my older brother was small I was lectured from age nine about losing weight.  They didn’t compare me to other kids in my class.  I was one of the smallest….but the lectures…