Calming yourself (part 3)

A post on Facebook led to a link to an article with 49 phrases to use to calm an anxious child.  I am going to explain how these can be used to calm an anxious adult, especially yourself:  (My inner child needed lots of calming, especially when I was in counseling and remembering my past.) …

Calming yourself (part 2)

A post on Facebook led to a link to an article with 49 phrases to use to calm an anxious child.  I am going to explain how these can be used to calm an anxious adult, especially yourself:  (My inner child needed lots of calming, especially when I was in counseling and remembering my past.) …

Calming myself (part 1)

A post on Facebook led to a link to an article with 49 phrases to use to calm an anxious child.  I am going to explain how these can be used to calm an anxious adult, especially yourself:  (My inner child needed lots of calming, especially when I was in counseling and remembering my past.) …

Cellular Level

Why can’t I get away from my memories? Written on our mind and in our bodies these bundle of cells lurk waiting to be reactivated when a smell, sight, sound, touch or taste hit that hot button and fire off a flashback.  The evidence is piling up from research and personal experience.  I didn’t remember…

Purpose and thriving

This past week I pondered an epiphany that totally altered how I viewed myself and events from my childhood.  During my trip in June, I had the opportunity to visit with my first counselor that worked with me for 7 years and taught me so much about living.  He moved on to another state but…

Trade offs

PTSD is like having your stress bucket almost full before you start your day.  Adding a big event such as a wedding or friends party or a movie or any other event with good stress or bad stress I am making trade offs.  How long will it take me to recover from that 3 hour…

Culture of kindness

Here in the United States many of the school districts are getting ready for students to go back to school.  I have a week of teachers meetings.  My stuff is gone through and organized.  I bought pencils and pens.  Along with the regular preparations one of the Facebook blogs posted 49 things you can do…

Positively Negative

On Facebook friends posted an article about how complaining rewires your brain. “Spending today complaining about yesterday won’t make tomorrow any better.” ~Unknown The article makes several good points about complaining being a habit, also explains ways to break gripe talk. So why the title?  One of the biggies on the abuser’s must do…

Useless…..totally useless

One of the blogs I follow is Emerging from Broken by Darlene Ouimet. She posted her experience on confronting her abuser/mother. Darlene points out several of the issues when confronting.  Not wanting to hurt their feelings.  Concern that she would be just like them.  Lack of self care. I also talked to my counselor…

Four Fs

Today many articles are written about the Fight or flight response to stress.  Over the years they added a third reaction to stress, freeze.  I call it ‘deer in the head lights’ reaction.  Rather than fight or flight, freezing is my reaction trying to assess before moving in any direction. Here is an article that…