Chart for Kids

Kids experience PTSD.  Too often instead of recognizing PTSD children are labeled over sensitive, trouble makers, or other acting out behaviors.  I came across a sheet of tips for parents and teachers about PTSD in children.  Many of the suggestions work for adults too. Click to access PTSDTipSheet81310.pdf Update: Be careful following some of the…

How others feel

Working to understand children helps me to understand me.  Hints and tips on the pages are designed to help understand how children with learning disabilities may feel.  Here is something to consider.  Some people with PTSD also have learning disabilities, traumatic brain injury TBI, or other challenges that sometimes leads to having PTSD or…

Tough reading

I help out in Early Childhood Education class.  I scanned in pages to do with infant, toddler and preschool emotions.  Each page had a red box declaring if the emotional needs are not met it may cause mental health problems for the rest of their lives.  The words, “No Shit,” come to mind.  Sadly, no…

Need more

sphincter muscles.  Yup.  All week I worked on a list of vocabulary words for school.  One was sphincter muscle.  The explanation was long and almost as confusing.  I had a 3rd column that gave a short more direct answer.  This morning I stared at the word then burst out laughing.  I knew I couldn’t use…

Behaviors of Abusers

Why bother sharing information about behaviors of abusers?  Sometimes you are so used to being put down, called names, made a butt of a joke, or gaslighted that you don’t recognize the behavior as abusive.  I work at a high school, about once a year I talk to the classes about boundaries and how to…

What a week

I go along doing fairly well then life throws in a plot twist and I am scrambling to keep my head above water again.  I am noticing that with more coping techniques I do better.  This week I strove for acceptance of others.  Some one cheered me on saying that she hoped things were better. …

It’s all in your head

Because your brain is there. Research shows how the brain functions with memories and emotions.  I learned terms like amygdala hijacking, limbic system, and other parts of the brain.  I learned that smell cuts right to the center of the brain so produces the most powerful PTSD response.  Yes, there are times I look up…

the 4Fs

Most people are aware of the two stress responses Fight or Flight.  Back in 1920, Walter Cannon coined the phrase that I grew up with all my life. My mother studied stress so I heard plenty about it.  However, I was in counseling before I learned these basic primal responses have a couple of cousins,…

If it were a snake

It would have bit you.  Raised in the desert this was not an idle saying.  Poisons snakes were serious consideration.  Impending doom lurked everywhere.  Sometimes I get tired of looking for the threats and ignore what is so close to me.  Happened this week.  I was thoroughly rattled by an encounter with a belligerent student. …

Almost 3

My reminder popped up to remind me that I need to pay again for the use of my domain.  Please understand, the ads you see on the posts do not benefit me directly.  Word Press is the beneficiary making it possible for me to afford my domain.  I am one person sharing what I learned…