Off to work I go

This week I started working at work for 2 days.  Most people would think, “Why is this post worthy?”  First off, my contract doesn’t start until tomorrow.  I was called in early.  I offered to come in to help with the distribution of computers to students and they decided to take me up on my…

Resetting boundaries

Quarantine was a natural boundary.  No one comes in and no one goes out.  Boring but predictable.  Things are opening up some places but with a new restriction or boundary.  You have to wear a mask.  NOT going well with that one.  Someone chided me that it is just a piece of fabric.  Yes, a…

10 rounds with PTSD

Spent the last 10 days wrestling with what shot my PTSD into over drive.  Sleepless nights, anxiety, isolation, fear, raging anger, too sick to exercise, stuffing emotions with food.  Finally figured it out, I am freaking mad over having to wear a mask.  I stay away from people.  I never applied for a job that…

Personality Quizzes

Chatting online one of the concerns brought up are the personality quizzes.  I took several. One I took was mandatory because of the type of medical test I was having.  (Checking for epilepsy; no, I don’t have it.) I also help our students take different quizzes to find out what they like for possible career…

What if…

What if you don’t know what is wrong with you.  I first noticed that there was something different about me when I was a teenager.  I listened to my friends talk about crushes, school, and family I felt totally out of the loop.  I was fascinated by their perspective but my concerns and worries didn’t…

A day of Rest

Yes, I know the whole world feels like it has rested for more than 2 weeks.  This is about taking a day of rest to be.  Seriously.  My counselor observed how hard I worked everyday to get better.  Progress was happening but the price to my present day living was taking a toll.  He recommended…

Mental wellness tips

I am always on the look out for healthy Mental wellness tips.  My sister found this in a group and I felt it appropriate to share here because the author encouraged sharing.  This is one of the helpers that Mr. Roger’s mother talks about.  Taking the time to write out a list of tips and…

What works for you?

Others on Facebook are posting that they are feeling trapped with this “Stay at home” to avoid getting sick.  I posted about changing wording.  I call this time to regenerate and try to learn Spanish during my work hours.  Tomorrow I find out if they have something else for me to do.  My less supportive…