Grief and happiness coexists

Dissociation from my emotions is a symptom of PTSD/CPTSD.  I was numb.  I didn’t feel pain but I didn’t feel happiness either.  I was so completely detached from my feelings that I couldn’t tell you at any given moment what I felt.  I knew I had feelings….sometimes I was happy and sometimes I felt bone…

Self -regulation button broke

Been a rough 2 or 3 months.  Tons of family stuff happening and changes at work.  I realized recently I must have broken my self-regulation button or turned it off.  That button that when pushed you do the adult thing when you are supposed to do it.  Not the broken one of not going to…

Day after

The day after 9/11 people changed……for awhile.  People connected more.  People went out of their way to tell people they loved how much they loved them.  People waved flags, talked, and went out of their way to help each other.  Mr. Roger’s mother said it best, “Always look for the helpers.”  After the tragedy of…

What it is not

In the media, online and gossip around me have some fairly messed up ideas about PTSD.  PTSD/CPTSD is not rudeness, cruelty to others, or criminal behavior.  Recently, I heard someone say that the reason a person was so rude was because they were mentally ill.  WRONG.  Missing social skills, yes.  Lack of proper upbringing, yes. …

Milestone Literally

Last week end I took a trip with my daughter.  In the past, she did all the driving while I chatted with the kids, crocheted or slept.  This time she felt sick.  Our choices were go home or I drive.  I chose to drive.  I hit a record of driving almost 8 hours.  I haven’t…