
I don’t write about religion on this web page often.  Main reason that many survivors are still angry at God. Why me? Why wasn’t I protected? I was a child, wasn’t I important enough to save? I’m told to give service at church, why won’t anyone help me? God’s time is not my time and…

Unresolved Trauma

I read this article and it lists 20 symptoms of unresolved trauma.  My counselor recognized I was severely messed up, long before I knew I was severely messed up.  After each line, I add my comments to Kathy Broady’s MSW.  She writes more on each symptom on her blog.  She also has videos and other…

Couch potato to Marathon

Anyone would agree that going from couch potato to marathon runner in a week would be ridiculous.  Yet, I tend to do this to myself emotionally.  I can barely get out the door on a good day then I expect myself to attend a large party or a highly stressful event without feeling wiped out. …

PTSD and Yoga

I came across two articles that explain the benefits of yoga when healing from trauma.  I tried it years ago in college.  I still use breathing exercises I learned in the class.  I want to share different ideas if I am using them or not because what does or does not work for me, may…

It’s your experience

Too often I was told how I should feel, how long I should hurt, and ridiculed if I cried.  I learned to stuff how I felt, no longer acknowledged my pain, and didn’t cry.  I was emotionally self destructing.  I spent 3 years almost completely bed ridden.  I could be up about 20 minutes a…

Being less

One of the difficult concepts to overcome is the belief that I am less; less important, less smart, less pretty, less loved.  In a family with favorites, I was informed multiple times that I would be given less food, less attention, less time, less money because others in the family were more important than I…