Ideas to help accommodate

One more party to go….New Year’s Eve. I usually avoid New Year parties.  Often I spend them watching on TV the New Year pass as the globe turns.  Every hour another city televises their celebration.  My daughter with TBI, traumatic brain injury, posted a link to the Mighty on how to accommodate a person with…


Christmas is over until next year.  Have you noticed that it keeps coming around again? Suggestion: Take time to reflect………. What worked and what didn’t? Were some of the events successful to you? Which traditions do you want to keep next year? Which need to be changed to create the holiday you deserve? Reflection, self-evaluation,…

The time has come

The time is now.  The time to prepare for the holidays is past.  They arrived officially for me today when I didn’t have to set my alarm.  I slept in until 7:00 AM, after I made myself go back to bed at my regular wake up time. My attitude will make all the difference.  Choose…

I’m sorry

  Thank you for being patient with me while I am working on the costumes.  I enjoyed watching Todd’s video on how often I do say I’m sorry and in the back of my mind I am feeling that I am apologizing for existing.  I am working on this.  One of my children pointed out…

He has my back

Being married to a person with PTSD is tough.  Ask my husband how difficult and unreasonable I can be.  Counseling so many years ago started with marriage counseling.  It quickly became obvious that very little marriage counseling could occur while I was so damaged and my thinking distorted by dissociation.  My husband went with me…

Back to blogging

I hadn’t planned on an extended break.  I could handle this and everything else.  I was sooooo wrong.  I spent the last 3 months swallowed up by costumes for this show. This is our cast.  Each one played two and sometimes 3 parts.  Thankful for those that helped but blown away that I was in…

Code words

I ran across an interesting article that shared the ‘Code Words’ people use to mask what they are really feeling. My children pointed out to me years ago that I lied all the time.  People would say, “Hi, how are you?”  And I would answer, “Fine.”  I would have a death grip on the…