If I….

I never think on a grand scale.  I am doing good to get myself together at the beginning of the day and make it through without making a mess of something.  Life is like that for me. However, IF I wanted to think on a grand scale and create a curriculum to help prevent suicide…

Too Much

Sometimes when I am invited to share, I share too much.  I forget how tough some of my life was and how bad it can sound to someone else.  It was “normal” for me and I don’t notice until I watch someone else’s reaction.  I joke that I have a PhD in hard knocks.  I…

5 years

I started this blog 5 years ago.  There was very little online that wasn’t directed to the military with PTSD.  CPTSD wasn’t mentioned yet.  I wanted there to be a voice for those with no memory of before trauma.  I wanted to say, there is life after trauma.  I want to get out to anyone…

Over load

I put myself into over load.  My body fought back and won.  I slept through most of the weekend.  Missed out on Easter activities, visiting with family and writing posts.  So what happened? Every year in Early Childhood Education there is a unit on abuse, specifically child abuse.  I spend a day talking to students…

Risk factors

  WARNING!!!!      Today’s post is a rant.  If this is triggering or uncomfortable for you, skip today’s post.  Have a blessed day.   We have a sweet and kind custodian that takes care of our classroom.  She is so gentle.  Friday she walked in when the teacher and I were talking about next…

Layers of hiding

Early on in my counseling, I explained that one of my medical doctors told me that I was depressed and didn’t know it.  I felt like “DUH” I would know if I was depressed.  My therapist looked fairly amused while I recounted this experience.  (I learned to be very cautious if my counselor was amused…

Rise of Computers

Recently from two way different sources I heard a decry against social media and the ills it is causing.  Stop, just Stop.  The ills they refer to are depression, disconnection, and suicide.  Does anyone stop to think that as computers rise in demand and popularity, arts and sports fall?  To afford more computers in school,…

No April Fools for me

I am very thankful that our school celebrates a pseudo holiday.  No school on April fools day.  It is a huge relief not to be at school because I am terrible at playing April fools jokes and I don’t handle them well either.  Today I thought I was reading a real article because the source…

Quitting and Pausing

Last post was a list of things to quit.  Part of changing to healthier ways of living is quitting old bad habits that no longer fit into our growing life style.  However, not quitting healing is an important journey.  I am thankful that my first counselor understood how much work there is in healing past…