I’m still Here

I took an extended leave of absence from writing my blogs. I simply didn’t have enough in me to do one more thing. My cup ran over with too much. To stop the emotional hemorrhaging, I cut back on so much. I dropped into survival mode and just tread water. Life is like that sometimes.…

Mid-life Change

Mid-life crisis is often condemned and pointed out as something bad. I believe that it can be what we make of it. Brené Brown is one of the people I check out her Ted Talks and posts. She is studying vulnerability. I like her no nonsense approach and her sense of humor. Someone shared this…

What’s Under the Dirt?

One of the questions that pop up about once a week on the PTSD/CPTSD groups I follow is “What if I heal, who am I?” I am a photographer and I think in imagery. I kept thinking about this. The image I came up with is the filthy miners that come out of the coal…

4 extreme coping modes

I grew up learning about the Fight-Flight responses to stress. My mother taught us to either run or fight. I watched my brothers polarize their responses…one ran and the other fought every one and every thing. I didn’t feel like I fit either one. Then I learned about Freeze….closer. This is that “deer-in-the-headlights” where you…

Journals – do they help?

Quite often when reading articles on healing you will encounter the suggestion to journal your thoughts. For me, that was down right scary and seemed impossible when my thoughts are all over the place. I do not journal every day. I do use writing as a way to organize my thoughts, put things into words…

How not to take things Personally

‘Tis the season of hurt feelings, manipulations, and other stuff that certainly feels very personal. Unreasonable expectations from ourselves and others abound. So why would I post a Ted Talk about not taking things personally? Yup, this Ted Talk is one man’s ideas on how to not to take thing personally. It was a timely…

Back to Basics

I was doing really great at the beginning of this year, at least I thought so. Then Covid locked downs hit. My job went from classroom to practically nothing, but fortunately still employed. I still thought I was doing ok. Not impressed with the World reaction to another flu, but I was coping. Then after…

How are we programming our minds?

I read long posts on Facebook and find amazing stuff. I am not the author but I certainly believe this applies. I am working on how I talk to myself. It is challenging and this Facebook post gave me a lot to think about. Sometimes I am dreading something, so I actually set myself up…