Treat the triad

Psychologist have their own language that they use to communicate with each other and without a great deal of study leave their client kind of in the dark as to what is going on. 11.   Ensure the therapeutic model/approach promotes integration of functioning, and contains the `core elements’ consistent with research findings in the neurobiology…

Stand up for yourself

To that nasty voice in your head.  Fire your mean boss.  The one that expects perfection the first time.  Expects you to work harder, longer, and more committed than any one else.  That boss in the mirror that criticizes your every move and points out every mistake.  One of the things that I appreciate about…

My survival tool

My counselor helped me to understand that PTSD was my survival tool for extreme situations.  The issue that arose was using extreme measures for every day living.  He pointed out that wearing full body armor in war times is reasonable.  However, when the bombing stops carrying around all that armor wore me down and tired…


To me, this was the hardest to overcome but once I did, learning about my own power is a key element to my continued healing.  As long as I believed I was helpless, I could not believe I could be responsible for my change.  I needed to take back my power.  I needed to believe…

Document, document, document

Many times I am told that I am over sensitive, imagining things, and at fault for feeling like bad things are happening.  People, sometimes bad things are happening.  Too often, the person telling you it is not bad is the one that is hurting you.  I read several times on a group for CPTSD that…

4 perspectives

Every so often when I am planning a post, more perspectives come to my attention.  I am continuing addressing the different ways that are obvious and not so obvious self-care issues from CPTSD/PTSD.  This is the link to the original article: Today’s discussion is from #6 To stop always saying “sorry” (for nothing) and…

Tired and out of sorts

I felt whiny and complaining today because I feel lousy.  I am trying to remind myself that my body hates, I mean hates to travel.  I always have a back lash.  I am still able to work every day, I just buckle when I get home.  I have a ton of stuff to do but…


I was diagnosed with PTSD with dissociation at an extreme level over 12 years ago.  During that time PTSD was gaining recognition as being more than a soldier’s terror.  Sadly, this caused conflict and confusion.  Some soldiers thought that those not serving in the war didn’t have the ‘right’ to talk about their pain and…

Perfect victim

A perfect victim never fights back.  I didn’t cut toxic people out of my life either.  I just took it.  Progress came when I encouraged my husband to find work in another state and move 1000 miles away.  But my inner past came with me.  I didn’t stand up for myself on anything. 22. “I…

Woes of People Pleasing

I’m combining these next two things that I did.  This was a monster hurdle because everyone loves someone that does everything for them, right?  Yup, lots of rewards but sometimes at a terrible cost.  The cost of myself, my relationships, my dreams, my needs didn’t exist. 12. “I feel the need to please everybody I…