Too Sensitive

I complained to my counselor that someone close to me accused me of being ‘too sensitive.’  My counselor promptly replied, “You are.”  I felt betrayed and hurt.  He then went on to explain.  Think about a cut that is healing.  You touch the new scar tissue and the entire area is very tender and sensitive. …


Over at Making Lemon-AID, my daughter, shares her challenges of surviving brain tumor surgery.  Her courage and determination are amazing.  I appreciate a post she shared on how to plan a visit with someone with TBI (traumatic brain Injury), I believe the same rules would apply for many with PTSD or other chronic conditions.  I…

Brief Summary

This information we are encouraged to share.  There is a reminder that this is not how to diagnosis yourself.  This is a general outline that someone will tell you this detail or that detail is not their experience.  This is an educational tool to raise awareness and educate people that don’t know except the sensationalized…

Background music

Wouldn’t it be cool if real life had back ground music?  Then you would know when the bad guy is looking no matter how nice the bad guy may appear the music would give him away.  Unfortunately, we don’t get that warning.  This post on Facebook gave another perspective on the music going on in…

Day of Rest

Scientist did studies that proved that a day of rest is beneficial to the mind and the body.  Businesses continue to ignore this expecting people to put in long hours.  From the beginning of time, rest was commanded.  Rest on the 7th day and keep it holy.  Our calendars revolve around Sunday. Our body’s seem…

What’s your motto?

One of the PTSD pages I liked on Facebook asked people to write in 4 words the best advice they received.  This was what people shared…. PTSD Support And Recovery What is your best advice in 4 words? Survive for five minutes……amazing how long I lived 5 minutes at a time…a whole day was too…

Focusing on Loss

This past week I had an opportunity to work with a class of students with me sort of being the teacher.  The substitute teacher was there to make it legal but I was teaching the class.  I am loving it.  I started focusing on the loss of my parents refusing to pay for my education…

Describe in 3 words

Recently one of the PTSD pages on Facebook offered the opportunity to write 3 words to describe yourself.  Please, keep in mind that I live with PTSD.  I first showed symptoms at age 5.  I battled depression, cancer, and PTSD.  Someone stated that they didn’t think it was fair that they were still battling PTSD…


Recently I read several Facebook pages that are posting things to encourage those that have PTSD. I found many of the post to be a daily boost of encouragement. But I also saw a trend that bothers me.  People stated how they hated their memories, hated PTSD, hate what this does to them then complain…