Another voice

Sometimes I feel so alone.  I watch other people playing, working and living while I try to get up off the couch.  I felt isolated and alone.  Counseling helped me to see that I am not alone.  The internet helped me to connect with other people struggling with daily issues that sound a lot like…

Mr. Rogers

I read this on Facebook.  I remember watching Mr. Rogers as a teenager since my little brother was watching it.  I remember his kindness, so at odds with what I experienced. Tom Joad And then I found this. “I don’t mean to dishonor the other stories here. But there is one I wanted to add.…

Getting out of the hole

I’m not a soldier but this poem depicts why I write.  I was deep in a hole.  Fortunately, my counselor understood how to help me get out of my hole.  I want to pass on what I learned.  I still struggle with many things but I have a life now that 20 years ago I…

Mental Illness

Debates rage about PTSD and mental illness.  Some say it is not an illness.  Some say that they don’t want to be labeled mentally ill.   Illness: a condition of being unhealthy in your body or mind : a specific condition that prevents your body or mind from working normally : a sickness or disease…

Called a Freak?

My sister drew my attention to one of Scott Williams posts.  He is a therapist that writes about some interesting topics.  This one I almost avoided reading due to the title.  I was called a freak and worse.  Especially during the time growing up when no one knew what was wrong with me.  Some people…