Is it a Flashback?

One of the top issues and symptoms of PTSD and CPTSD is Flashbacks. Like many psychological events, these experiences come in a spectrum from the benign Deja vu to the ferocious being dropped back into a hellish memory. It wasn’t until I had an extreme flashback that I finally understood the horrific power that past…

Holidays arrive the same time

Have you ever noticed that the Holiday’s arrive at the same time? The drama remains the same from year to year? The unreasonable expectations also don’t change?  I have several posts about holidays that I reuse over and over because the same stuff happens.  There is some good news.  This year one of my big…

Boundaries again

Reviewing my possible posts idea I came across yet another one talking about boundaries.  The reason I keep coming back to boundaries  is that many survivors with PTSD/CPTSD or just really odd coping skills show a definite lack of boundaries.  I struggled with the concept.  Listening to others talk about having boundaries and feeling so…

4 perspectives

Every so often when I am planning a post, more perspectives come to my attention.  I am continuing addressing the different ways that are obvious and not so obvious self-care issues from CPTSD/PTSD.  This is the link to the original article: Today’s discussion is from #6 To stop always saying “sorry” (for nothing) and…

Self-care, Are you?

What?  I am supposed to self-care?  Don’t I have enough to do caring for everyone else?   Judy, my sister, found this link and shared it on her project/blog. Last round of 25 things my sister wrote after I did.  This time I think I will reverse it and post the link to her…

Nobody guessed

How really messed up I was.  I excelled at the hiding game.  Our children were the first ones to really notice a recurring theme that their mother was not the same in all situations.  One of them accused me of lying.  I was appalled. When I entered counseling and discovered the dance between personalities that…

Tensed muscles

Lilly Hope Lucario and I must be on the same wavelength.  She wrote about the chronic pain from constantly being on-guard.   Never relaxing because I knew that as soon as I let my guard down my abuser would strike.  They would persuade me I was safe, I would relax then wham full attack.  I was in…


On a regular basis I post information on the symptoms of PTSD.  I lived with it for over 40 years not knowing that my reaction to life had a name and I wasn’t alone.  I am fascinated that when I decide I want to write a certain post and within days I get links to…


Anxiety is one of the leading and aggravating symptoms of PTSD.  My daughter-in-law posted a link to an awesome article on anxiety.  Not everyone with PTSD experiences anxiety.  Not everyone with anxiety has PTSD.  However, I believe this article can help people understand what she experiences with anxiety.  She did label it with trigger warnings. …

Tantrums vs Meltdowns

Most people think this is an issue for children.  Well, PTSD arrest growth and some adults, namely me, act like children.  I found this information useful for me.  Corrected link to original owner Counseling ripped away the fragile lock I had on my emotions.  I started having meltdowns but I was accused of having…