Planning Helps prepare

Like clock work my anxiety rises and falls with certain seasons.  I finally figured out that the anxiety starts mid October… mother’s birthday….until end of school when she would finally relax.  My life still seems to revolve around my mother that explained to me she hated me in our last conversation. So how do I…

Over load

I put myself into over load.  My body fought back and won.  I slept through most of the weekend.  Missed out on Easter activities, visiting with family and writing posts.  So what happened? Every year in Early Childhood Education there is a unit on abuse, specifically child abuse.  I spend a day talking to students…

Boiling Water

Some themes, poems, stories and experiences stick with me, mulling them over and over.  I take them out and reread them and consider their import….why do I keep thinking about some of these?  One such story is The Potato, the egg and Hot chocolate (I like it better than coffee in the original story.) Story…

What I do struggle with

I thought a lot about what I wrote over the past couple of days.  The articles looking for an easy answer, the one about people oversimplifying problems, and my rant.  I realize that every single abuse survivor walks around with a different set of scars and reactions to the World.  I am making this list…

Limit time

One of the interesting things I learned from my counselor was to limit the time I work each day on improving my life with PTSD.  He stressed the importance of setting aside only one hour a day to focus on past, journal writing, studying and other activities focused on healing.  He explained that I needed…

Interesting post

I follow several blogs.  Trying to keep up is a challenge. Both sides of the Wall shared a link that I thought was very helpful…. 10 things no one ever told you about life after sexual assault. Original The author Nina Burrowes has her own page No one tells you about PTSD. …