
Markers indicating progress.  In years gone by and along the freeways today, markers in one form or another are placed along the roadways to indicate how far you have come.  In the Early Childhood Education class we discuss childhood milestones that people watch for as the child grows.  If a baby walks by the time they are 9 months old, parents crow at their child’s early progress.  However, if the child is not walking by 2 years old there is serious concern for the possibility developmental delay.  People continue to have milestones.  Passing a levels at school, graduating from high school then college, getting married, having children, negotiating  a raise, then when they reach over 50 you look back over your life and wonder if there were any developmental delays in life.  Counseling taught me I had many delays.  My counselor charmingly called me an ’emotional moron.’  He pointed out that all my resources were focused on survival.  Not much time to hangout or develop the skills usually garnered during the growing up years before 18 years old.  He also pointed out that I will still have to master those milestones to progress.  I keep learning.  I keep striving for new milestones.  I appreciate knowing that I am making progress.  One of the milestones I hit today was 100 followers on this blog.  I have two other blogs and between the 2 I don’t have 100 followers.  Thank you to all of you that share this journey with me.  I appreciate your reading and commenting on this blog. Thanks for helping me reach the 100 followers milestone.  Word Press kindly posted the information on my feed.  I am a little surprise and very thankful to know that what I am writing may be helping someone else. Thank you everyone.  Have a great day,


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